As my anniversary approaching I am reminiscing on treasured wedding memories and moments leading up to the Wedding day. I was extremely pleased with Miss Faith expertise and professional work. She is a true leader and follow directions well. She was on top things even when I tend to be slacking off she got me back on track. At times I was a bit stubborn,but she never gave up on me. Arrangements were made for us to have the best of both worlds in Negril, Jamaica.The beach and the cliff, with the sunset in between.

We had relatives showed up unannounced and I was very impressed by the way it was handled.   Faith and her staff immediately kicked into high gear and handled the situation. No one was turned away, she went out of her way to provide accommodations.

How could I not mention my last minute requests, they were all met. Also, with her connection we had the best meal from Sweet Spice restaurant in Negril. And, then we dance the night away!!

I am forever grateful for Miss Faith help and services.

If you are seeking a wedding planner you are at the right place. Contact Miss Faith and let the planning begins!